ENT Health and Holiday Travel: Preventing Ear Pain on Flights
Ear pain is uncomfortable regardless of where you are. But the pain can feel worse if you have to deal with it during flights.
Frequent fliers, whether traveling for business or pleasure, often experience ear pain, discomfort, and the notorious popping sensation during flights. These symptoms can make air travel an unpleasant experience.
With the holiday season approaching and travel plans ramping up, it’s helpful to have a few tried-and-true tips to prevent ear pain and make your journey as comfortable as possible.

What Are So-Called “Airplane Ears”?
The popping and painful sensation in the ears during such flights doesn’t typically indicate an underlying condition. Rather, it is due to the pressure changes the ears experience during plane take-offs and landings.
It’s commonly called “airplane ears” though the official terminology is barotrauma. Other times, it’s also called parotitis media or aerotitis media.
Airplane ears result when the air pressure in the middle ears and the environment are thrown out of balance. The change in ear pressure is more prominent during plane take-offs and landings, resulting in prominent ear pain and discomfort during these instances.
In our ears, there is a narrow passage connected to the middle ear called the eustachian tube. It serves the purpose of regulating ear pressure. In adults, this tube is slightly slanted, allowing easier airflow and ear pressure regulation. In kinds, however, these tubes are flat, making it harder for them to equalize ear pressure, making them more prone to airplane ears.
People with a case of cold or sinus infection may also experience more pronounced pain and pressure in the ears during flights as congestion makes equalizing ear pressure more difficult.
Common symptoms of airplane ears include:
- Increased pressure in the ears
- Stuffed feeling in the ears
- Muffled hearing
- Slight to moderate temporary hearing loss
- Ringing sensation in the ears
- Discomfort
Here’s How You Can Prevent Airplane Ears
- Swallow and yawn
When you feel pressure and pain building up in your ears, try swallowing. This helps open up the eustachian tube to equalize ear pressure. Chew gum, suck on candy, or sip water during take-off and landing to make your ears feel more comfortable.
Additionally, you can induce a yawn as this will also help equalize ear pressure. Do this by opening your mouth as if you were yawning.
- Pinch and blow
Also known as the Valsalva maneuver, the pinch and blow technique is an effective way to ease ear pain and discomfort on flights. To do this, simply pinch your nose and keep your mouth closed. Then, gently blow air into your nose as if you’re blowing your nose. This will open up the eustachian tube and help equalize the pressure in your ears.
- Time your flight sleep schedule wisely
If you know you’re prone to airplane ears, avoid sleeping during your flight’s ascents and descents. Staying awake, especially during these times, will allow you to take necessary self-care steps to alleviate pain and keep yourself comfortable during flights.
- Use earplugs
Earplugs are typically available in drugstores, hearing clinics, and several airport shops. Using them during flights can help prevent ear pain and discomfort. If you’re using earplugs, you will still have to yawn or swallow to relieve pain and discomfort.
- Take your allergy medication
If you have allergies, it would be best to take your allergy medication about an hour before your flight. This helps you manage your symptoms, which can often increase ear pain and discomfort during flights.
- Decongestants, nasal sprays, and antihistamines can help too
If you currently have a case of the common cold or sinus issues, take decongestants or antihistamines and use nasal sprays about 30 minutes to an hour before your flight. These can help manage congestion issues and keep nasal swelling at bay during your flight.
Travel Easily With West Palm Beach Breathe Free
Airplane ears are more than just discomfort, they can often be painful, making flying an unfavorable experience for many. With a few tips and tricks up your sleeve, you can make flying a more enjoyable and comfortable experience.
If the pain and discomfort in your ears persist beyond ascents and descents, schedule an appointment with one of our experts at West Palm Beach Breathe Free, and let’s see how we can help find solutions for you!